
Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Reasons Why I Cloth Diaper by Rebecca

I have two children. I never cloth diapered my oldest, M. I never even thought about doing it. With F., I found there was information on cloth diapering on every email or website about pregnancy that I happened upon. So, I looked in to it to see what all the hype was about. Wow! It's a whole other world! It is a beautiful world of colors and patterns and cute fluffy baby bums. I was sold!
I now use cloth diapers 85% of the time. If we are going to the store or to family's house, I use disposables. I also use disposables at night. Sleeping through the night is important for both me and the baby! :).

Here are the reasons I cloth diaper.

1.) Less exposure to chemicals for my baby.  There are lots of nasty chemicals used to get those disposable diapers to absorb so much and not leak! I had no idea that diapers could contain polyurethane or harmful inks in the cute prints on them.  The less amount of time those chemicals are on my baby's bum, the better!

2.) Cost.  Now, this one is a tough sell unless you have restraint!  You can have an awesome stash of cloth diapers for less than $200.  This would maybe have you doing diaper laundry every 2 to 3 days.  We all know how much disposables can run a month.  Restraint comes in to this equation when you see all the beautiful and cute diapers that are out there.  Thinking that your baby needs the latest in the Artist Series of BumGenius Diapers or the Charlie Bananas Chocolate Camo Diaper, then the cost can get high.  But, if you have restraint, then the cost of cloth diapering is cheaper than using disposables.  Especially if you end up having more than one child.
You can also resell your cloth diapers. They maintain their value if they are taken care of.

3.) Environmental Impact.  I am trying to reduce my family's carbon footprint on this earth.  I do try and do all that we can with regard to this.  I am also trying to teach my boys to respect the planet.

4.) Cute, Cute, Cute!  Ok.  This is a good enough reason for me!  These diapers are so cute! I really love when all the diapers are washed and pockets are stuffed and all lined up in the crate I keep them in.  (Did I really just say that?)  Yes!  I did! I love the way the blues and greens all look lined up!

5.) Conversation Starter.  I really love how cloth diapering is such a conversation starter with people.  This ultimately leads to me talking about eating healthy and the things I do to help my family be all that we can be. I feel that if I can help someone with any questions then that makes me feel good.

How cute is that? 

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You've made the switch to cloth for your little one,
 now why not make the switch for yourself?


  1. Today I was just thinking of how much I love using cloth because if I put disposables on my son (who's 16 months) he'll take the diaper off unless I put a onesie on him. He can't undo the buttons on the cloth! :D

  2. I am on baby #3 using the same cloth I bought for my first. I spent about $400 to buy about 20-25 diapers each in 3 sizes (not bad for around 70 diapers!!)

    I didn't buy any new cloth with #2 and we only used sposies for travel.

    I have probably spent another $100 on diapers for baby #3 because they are so cute and designed better now than 11 years ago when I had my oldest. We use sposies on #3 a lot more than we did my older two and have probably spent the combined amount of all my cloth for the nighttime and away from home only sposies we use. Those things are a total waste of money when you figure how much use I've gotten out of my cloth. I've even sold the ones that were too small and will sell the rest when we ae done. Can't do that with sposies!! :)

  3. I'm using disposables with our son now but now that I know more about cloth diapers, I would LOVE to use them. The unfortunate part is we don't have access to a washer and dryer (we go to a laundry mat), so I'm afraid that I would have some issues because of that. :(

  4. I love using my cloth diapers! Especially since they are so darn cute! I especially like how I don't have to buy disposables at the store each time we go (or have to figure out the right size.)

    I also use Cloth wipes which I made myself!
