
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Erase Your Worries With A Worry Box by Janyse Jaud

*This is a guest post written by Janyse Jaud. Mommys Craft Obsession has received compensation for the promotion of this guest post*

Where does worrying come from? Why do children worry? 
According to Dr. Graham C. L. Davey, “What children worry about will vary depending on their cognitive development, their emotional development, and how they are required to interact with their world (e.g. the demands of school life).”

 So as a parent, how can you help your child erase a worry? One of the activities we do in The Magic of Think® program, involves learning how to create a “Worry Box.” This is such a fun activity to do with your child that you may want to make a Worry Box for yourself too!

 First, find a cardboard box. Create a design on the box by coloring it, decorating it with stickers, glitter, and jewels, or pasting photos onto it. Use your imagination and show your individuality. Now take a piece of paper and have your child write down one worry. This is a great time to have a discussion about worries. Now place the worry in the box. You can have as many worries as you want in the “Worry Box” but try completing the activity within 15 minutes.

 Close the lid and tell your child that you will look after their worries for them. Then store the Worry Box in a safe place. This activity allows you to mentally let go of your worries. If your child wants to, you can look at the worries again tomorrow but for now, say goodbye to the worries and take some time to relax or giggle!

 “As a rule, men worry more about what they can’t see than about what they can.” Julius Caesar

Janyse Jaud is an award-winning singer/songwriter, voiceover actress, author, and thinkologist working with clients such as Hasbro, Warner Bros., Marvel, Discovery, and The Cartoon Network. 

Psychology Today, Dr. Graham C. L. Davey (July 2012)

*This is a guest post written by Janyse Jaud. Mommys Craft Obsession has received compensation for the promotion of this guest post*

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  1. Very interesting! I love the idea of helping your child let go of their worries. Thanks for this post!

  2. what a great idea! i initially read this thinking i really need a worry box.. but what a lovely idea for kids, too! :D i think i will be making myself one.. but my two year old is welcome to use it too! ;) thanks!

  3. I love that idea, my kids are too small yet to write but I can help them to express their feelings and put it in the box anyway...and as parents of 3 me and Hubby have of course a lot of worries...

    Thanks for sharing,

