
Saturday, November 24, 2012

My Holiday Weekend

Hey everyone! I apologize if I have seemed a little MIA these last couple of days! Mr. Hunky's parents and one of his sisters has been in town so we've been spending a lot of time with family! It was wonderful to spend these last couple of days with our family, I loved having everyone around, and Baby A just had an absolute blast with his grandparents and aunties!

On Wednesday we took Baby A to the park and spent a lot of time there, enjoying the nice weather, enjoying each other, and watching Baby A explore, move around, and learn.

Wednesday night my mother in law and I prepared for Thanksgiving by assembling the green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, stuffing, and making the pumpkin pie. On Thursday morning, we all took Baby A to the park again for some play time, then we took a drive and explored a local Canyon. Around noon we came back to the house and started cooking the Turkey and the rest of the side dishes! After our scrumptious dinner, my sister in law and I decided to be absolutely nuts and go check out the Black Friday scene! Walmart opened their doors at 8pm for Black Friday and offered a ton of great discounts. The amount of people was absolutely ridiculous so we did a lap around the store and left with out buying anything! Now that I've experienced that, I can wholeheartedly say that I will never do it again. My anxiety was through the roof just within the fifteen minutes we were in the building! Friday morning my in laws offered to take Baby A with them to go meet up with some extended family who was about an hour away, while my sister in law and I went and had a much needed girl day! We enjoyed pedicures and manicures, then went home and watched Eclipse and Breaking Dawn pt 1! My in laws returned with Baby A a few hours later and asked us to go pick up some dinner (Mexican food! Yum!), and while we were waiting for our dinner to be ready, my sister in law and I decided to go next door to Bealls Outlet and just kill some time. My sister in law found a gorgeous pair of Nine West flats for 60% off and I ended up finding a ridiculously adorable pair of shoes that I scored for only $6!! I was so excited.

After dinner I finally got to do what I have been waiting to do for months! I decorated for Christmas!!! We put up the tree, the lights, the candles, and the big red bow on the door! I was as happy as a clam to see everything out.

When we had finished decorating, my sister in law and I went out to a movie and finished up our Twilight marathon with Breaking Dawn pt 2! It was fun, but also a big reminder that I am a mother- I had a hard time keeping my eyes open during that late movie. Today saying goodbye was hard, but I distracted my sadness with a little bit of online shopping. I scored a gorgeous new bag from The Plum Pin Cushion who is running a fabulous sale! I've had my eye on this bag for quite a few days now and I decided to just take the plunge! Keep an eye out during the HGE, you just might see this shop again!

Main Photo Credits: The Plum Pin Cushion

I also picked up four new Flip (diaper) Covers for Baby A from Cotton Babies since they are running a BOGO sale!

Now I am relaxing while Mr. Hunky and Baby A nap, surrounded by the delicious smell of my cinnamon candle burning and my turkey soup in the crock pot. Life is good great.

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