
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Moms BFF: Hyland's Baby Teething Tablets

Disclaimer: I am a Hyland’s Homeopathy Ambassador and receive various products and gift cards from Hyland’s and promotional partners at no cost to me. All views and opinions expressed on this blog post and corresponding social network mentions are my own and are not to be interpreted as medical advice.

Teething bites. Literally. When Baby A is cutting new teeth it feels like the world has turned upside down. My happy-go-lucky little boy is a grumpy, screaming, mess which in turn makes mommy not the most pleasant person to be around. THANKFULLY I was introduced to Hyland's Teething Tablets when Baby A was teeny tiny and they help make teething bearable! Baby A gets excited and starts hopping up and down when he sees the teething tablets now; he knows that they will relieve his pain and he is more than happy to take them! Hyland's teething tablets are literally moms BFF (best friend forever). If you have a teething baby I highly recommend that you check them out for yourself. Trust me, you'll be glad that you did. 

Aside from Hyland's having the greatest teething product ever, they also have a ton of other homeopathic remedies for your little ones, older kiddos, and even for yourself! Their website just got an AWESOME new make over too, making it even easier to navigate and find the products that will be the most beneficial to your family! Check out their new website by clicking in this link! It looks great!

Doesn't Baby A look so excited that I took out his teething tablets? He has a new tooth cutting through so these have been a real life saver! 

Connect with Hyland's on their Facebook & Twitter!

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  1. These things are a lifesaver! I used to buy them for my kids whenever they were just small babies.

  2. haha That's great that he hops up and down when he sees them! Myka has been teething too and she stops what she's doing when she sees I have them and opens right up. lol

  3. I have never heard of these before, I am interested in their site! :-) I am a nurse and see WAY too much overuse of the teething gel that they market for infants.. ick... glad to see another option

  4. I'm so glad to see an option other than the infant gel that is marketed in the grocery stores.... I am interested in seeing the rest of their website.. Thank you! :-)

  5. Oh i am getting some of these I am so glad to see a review that they work.
